
money? (for nothing)

“I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.”
Carrie Bradshaw


Rock heart

Rock. Rock. 
why this word? have you heard about the real meanning of rock'n roll? i guess most of you know it. 
I do. I knew when i was 15 and the best teacher i ever had explained to the all class the beginning of this amazing thing....he had tears hidden in his eyes, 
and in that moment all what i could think was... 
how powerful is this? how powerful can MUSIC be for you? 
Rock is just one of the best kinds, or feelings... 
and can somebody deny that the best things in life don't have any logic sense?? 

feel life, feel music... 
is the only way to understand it
(or try, at least)



Yesterday i woke up with an idea: making something beautiful, and  what i did was even better:
beautiful and delicious!

this was my creation of the morning,




After a week of study, this weekend is for relax, until another long week of the same thing 
but the good new is, that I'm planning already a little trip to the Coast for next weekend,
and what can make me more happy than planning a trip? only traveling!! hahaha

good weekend for u!!!

and i recommend you this amazing singer that i recently discovered:

Here got some photos i took in 2010 in Uruguay, the same place of the photos of last post. Me and my sister in the first one.



Morning dreams woke me up today, and took me out of my long night of good sleeping....
after one year of sleeping never more than 5 hours, i had a long summer of 9-hours nights...
but a new study season is coming, so all what i have to say now, is enjoy as much as u can, always!

I share with you today some photos of a lonely and beautiful beach i took in 2010 in my neighbour country, Uruguay. I hope u like them


streets of Philadelphia

Sunny and wet day here...but my post is dedicated to another good memory of my trip last year.
It was a perfect lonely day, walking around Philly with snow everywhere, and listening the god
of New Jersey's Rock: Bruce Springsteen....
Philly will always get a special meanning for me.

i share with you this amazing video and song:



one afternoon with my best friend going around, we found this amazing place in the heart of Buenos Aires



Sunny saturday morning, 
in the bed listening the wind 
and making plans for the weekend

which are yours?

i took this photos in february, in the south of Argentina.. a magic village called "Villa la Angostura", i hope u like them!